
“Thalavan” is a Malayalam-language action film which was released in theatres more recently on the 24th of May 2024. The film which is directed by Jis Joy has a very powerful storyline that deals with an investigation within a police station.

In particular, what makes this movie interesting is its venture into the relationship of the two lead actors Asif Ali and Biju Menon. The fact that they play the role of police officers of differing mind and aims makes it interesting for a well-woven tale that involves tension, competition and determination.

Starring an outstanding and prominent cast, Anusree, Miya George, Dileesh Pothan, Ranjith, Kottayam Nazeer, A- Jaffer ldukki, the film also has a young talent KI.

AR. Thalavan is a production of Advanced Film Technology centre London in India, produced by Arun Narayan Arun Narayan Productions for the London based Sijo Sebastian unit.

The engages cinematography of Sharan Velayudhan and music by Deepak Dev only adds unto the scary mood of the film.

Carrying such a carefully planned and interesting plot and well-built performances “Thalavan” explores the intricacies of police work and relations between people in the process of carrying out a case with the utmost urgency and intensity.

Release Date24 May 2024
Star CastAsif Ali, Biju Menon, Anusree, Miya George, Dileesh Pothan, Ranjith, Kottayam Nazeer
GenresCrime, Drama, Thriller
DirectorJis Joy
ProducerArun Narayan, Sijo Sebastian
EditorSooraj ES
CinematographerSharan Velayudhan
Production companiesArun Narayan Productions, London Studios
Thalavan movie

The Plot of Thalavan

In the simplest of definitions, “Thalavan” is a detective-story film. The plot centers on some police investigation done by officers played Asif Ali and Biju Menon.

The case involves more than just a small town policeman, as he has to contend with the powers of politicians and corruption and also the competitiveness of his colleagues.

Asif Ali and Biju Menon

Asif Ali and Biju Menon, both have a steadfast foothold in the Malayalam film industry and they have taken up roles of two policemen who share a sibling rivalry of sort. Their different personalities and working style occurs a number of times in their interactions which also helps in making the story more thrilling.

Supporting Cast

The cast is not limited to the lead actors only as it has in its ranks other actors such as Anusree, Miya George, Dileesh Pothan, Ranjith, Kottayam Nazeer, and Jaffer Idukki in the film ‘Thalavan.’ All these actors indeed add the needed value to the film.

Anusree and Miya George have significant parts in the movie even if the parts are not directly within the investigation. Dileesh Pothan, Ranjith, Kottayam Nazeer, and Jaffer Idukki also add their devices into the film which also emphases on the law order enforcement in a small town.

Cinematography, Music, and Direction

Cinematographer Sharan Velayudhan brings the visual narrative of “Thalavan” to the screen by shooting the tension and mood of the film with his camera.

The framing and lighting devices are also used accurately to capture the psychological aspects of the narration most especially in situations where the two main Nyanga characters face-off.

The credits for music in “Thalavan” goes to Deepak Dev who has composed the score ANKIT YADAV, who, if anything, ought to carry more of the suspense and emotion of the film.

The background score helps in maintaining the moods of the film, which goes up to various levels sporadically, especially at important turns of the investigations and at the climactic moments of the character driven saga.

Jis Joy focuses on direction with equal and sharp edges ensuring that the different aspects of the film are integrated and maintained.

It is such a striking quality managing the character drama elements of the film without losing the investigative thriller nuances of the film that makes “Thalavan” relevant and interesting to watch from beginning to the end.


The assistances extend referring to the term ‘Thalavan’ to Sijo Sebastian’s London Studios. The well laid structures and grace of which the-film encompasses is not questionable as every phase in the making of a film is well factored in ranging from the story, the acting even the technical parts recording and musical scoring for the clip.

The cooperation between the recognized and first-time directors is one more contributing factor to the flourishing of the film industry, in general.

It is the first time for both of them to make a film and so they had no exposure to any pyramidal kind of film hierarchy. Once on screen, the film was powered with the fresh and restrained work of the first time writers, and the standard directing of Jis Joy.



Where to watch Thalavan?

Thalavan is available to watch in theaters which was released on 24 May 2024.

Who plays the role of director in Thalavan?

Jis Joy plays the role of director in this film.

Who stars in Thalavan?

Asif Ali, Biju Menon, Anusree, Miya George, Dileesh Pothan, Ranjith, Kottayam Nazeer

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